Riley Darkes

Visionary Author
Jun 29, 2014
Columbus, Ohio
Riley Darkes submitted a new resource:

Special Event - Savvy Critique Group Program - If your manuscript starts with, "It was a dark and stormy night..." you need a critique group!

Ever wish you had someone to bounce ideas off of? Do you need someone to provide helpful suggestions and feedback for your writing projects? You've come to the right place! SavvyAuthors is presenting our all new program of critique groups!

Why Critique Groups?
When you talk about your book with your spouse/family/friends/etc., do their eyes glaze over? If not, you're one of the lucky ones! Many writers find their support systems lacking when it comes to the ability to have...

Read more about this resource...
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I have registered. Should I fill out the questionnaire? It says I need permission.

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Hi Riley and fellow writers,
I just registered. I'm excited about finding a critique group. My family and I moved from the mid-west to Northern California this fall.
After the shock wore off I started writing again and am hot and heavy into my new project. I need support and encouragement to see this story through to the end so I'm back to Savvy Authors.

Happy New Year to all.
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I am trying to register for this but I it will not let me.
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