
  1. TereMichaels

    Character Ripping Hearts and Engaging Minds: Writing Angst Effectively with Tere Michaels

    Some people are angst junkies. They like their stories chock full of heart-ripping drama and trauma. Others like their angst just a delicate sprinkling on their story, nothing too intense. What do these two extremes have in common? Angst (at whatever level) only works when it fits your...
  2. LC Hayden

    Pacing-Tension How to Keep the Readers Turning the Pages with L.C. Hayden

    Have you ever started reading a book that you just couldn't put down? Learn the secrets that keep your reader from putting down your book. LC. will show you how to incorporate the page turning elements into your manuscript, including: Element of time, Cliffhangers, Mood and atmosphere, Use...
  3. Peter Andrews

    Writing Life How to Write Fast with Peter Andrews

    Crank up the efficiency and get that novel, short story, article or script DONE. Through exercises, evaluations, tips and technologies, you can learn to write faster. Discover how to break through blocks, get ideas, develop plots, draft and polish in less time without losing quality.
  4. Deborah Bailey

    Character Writing Romance with "Older" Characters with Deb Bailey

    Readers are looking for more stories with "mature" characters (30 years old +). Learn how to create characters who have life experience and are perfect for all types of romances (all sub-genres of romance). Determining the age range and what character experiences might be How not to fall into...
  5. Angela Knight

    Writing Life “What the Heck is Wrong With My Book?” Mentoring Program with Angela Knight

    You’re so frustrated, you could scream. You’ve taken classes, you’ve filled out GMC charts, you’ve read books on writing and joined professional writing associations. You’ve worked hard and long at your craft. You’ve finished a book – maybe more than one – then pitched and submitted it, or even...
  6. Lori Devoti

    Genre-Mystery-Crime Plotting and Planning: How to Write Your Cozy Mystery with Lori Devoti

    Love cozy mysteries and dying to write your own, but don’t know where to start? In this eight-week course, Lori Devoti (aka Rae Davies) USA Today Bestselling author of the Dusty Deals Mystery Series, will walk you through everything you need to know to plan and write and a successful cozy...
  7. Romy Sommer

    Genre Write a Romance Novel with Award-Winning Romance Author Romy Sommer

    Romance book sales exceed $1 billion dollars per year, and a third of all mass market books sold are Romances, which makes it a very attractive genre for writers. But there's a whole lot more to writing Romance than throwing in some purple prose and slapping a half-naked man on the cover. If you...
  8. Amdenisch

    Genre-Mystery-Crime Mystery - Bury the Lead: Effective Ways to Hide Clues Without Hiding Them with Anna Denisch

    Learn how to create a fictional case that readers won't be able to solve! Lesson One: Ineffective ways to create mystery - Learn commonly used methods that help prevent readers from solving a case - Understand why many readers dislike these methods - Learn how to catch them in...
  9. Kate McMurray

    Business Publishing Myths Debunked with Kate McMurray

    What does “write what you know” actually mean? How do advances work? In this workshop, we’ll take apart 10 common writing and publishing myths and discuss what they actually mean. We’ll cover both writing and industry misunderstandings, discussing everything from picking apart what “show don’t...
  10. LC Hayden

    Craft Show Don't Tell with LC Hayden

    Do you have trouble with telling the reader the story instead of showing it? If so, join the crowd. This is one of the most common mistakes in writing. But there’s hope. In this two week workshop, I will Show you how to tell which mode you’re in Tell you how to fix the problem Show you how to...
  11. The Beginner's Guide to Writing Romance

    The Beginner's Guide to Writing Romance

    Do you want to write a Romance novel, but you’re not sure where to start? If so, this book is for you. This introductory guide to writing romance explores the success of the genre, what readers expect from Romance novels, as well as how to woo those readers with your words.
  12. P

    Craft Daring the Thresholds of Story with Paula Chaffee Scardamalia

    A threshold is any point of entering. The line between here and there. Also called limen, it is any point or line or place between what is and what will be, or between what was and what is now, often that defining moment of no return. Thresholds are important in the structure of story and are...
  13. Stevens7_2000-yahoo.ie

    Genre-Action Adventure Writing the Thriller with Steve Shrott

    In this workshop, you’ll learn how to construct a thriller from beginning to end. Some of the topics covered are: What is a thriller and why are they so popular? The many different categories of thrillers Secrets of creating commercial story ideas Developing a ‘hot’ plot How to start your story...
  14. Kate McMurray

    Craft How an Idea Becomes a Novel with Kate McMurray

    Ideas are awesome. But ideas aren’t stories. In this workshop, we’ll look at some techniques for figuring out how to turn your ideas into stories, and those stories into great novels. The focus on this workshop is on the pre-writing phase, where we’ll think about brainstorming and planning to...
  15. Sunny Irene Roth

    Writing Life How to Not Only Survive, but Thrive During NaNoWriMo with Irene S. Roth

    Many writers want to take part in NaNoWriMo each year in November. There is no better way of getting into the later fall months than to delve into writing a brand new book that we can then revise in December and January. I have participated in 20 years of NaNoWriMo’s so far. This will be my...
  16. pjune-yahoo.com

    Writing Life Mentoring and Coaching with Editorial Director and Author June Diehl

    Are you seeking a coach and mentor who listens? Doesn't squash your writing style? And who provides positive, constructive feedback to meet your goals? As a certified coach with a background in education and over a decade of working with writers, my goal is to offer you an individualized...
  17. Beth Daniels

    Genre-Mystery-Crime Writing the Comedic Mystery with Beth Daniels

    There are all types of mystery niches in which to write stories: amateur detective, police procedural, government agency, spies, private detectives, capers, cozies, romantic suspense. Even paranormal mysteries. Any one of them could be a comedic mystery. Why? Because comedy is in the...
  18. CassandraCarr

    Plot-Structure-GMC Scene Elements - Action/Reaction, Scenes/Sequels with Cassandra Carr

    Every novel has common parts of scenes, such as moving the plot forward, revealing character, motivation, inner/external conflict, etc. These universal necessities will make up the first part of the workshop and be fleshed out and explained. In addition, romance has some specific things...
  19. Angela Knight

    Genre-Romance Burning Ink: Writing Steamy Romances with NY Times Bestselling author Angela Knight

    In this class, a New York Times bestselling author of erotic romance explores how to write romance hot enough to burn the pixels off the screen. She discusses the creation of characters with the kind of intense sensuality needed in erotic romance; building a believable erotic attraction that...
  20. TereMichaels

    Plot-Structure-GMC The Last Three Chapters: Tying It All Together with Tere Michaels

    Great is the art of beginning, but greater is the art of ending. ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow What best sells your next book? The ending of your previous book! A satisfying ending ties together all the pieces of your novel - the character arcs, the relationship arcs, the plot, the carefully...