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Plot a Romance in 2 Weeks with Landra Graf

Genre-Romance Plot a Romance in 2 Weeks with Landra Graf

Basic and Premium Members Prices
Premium Members $25 & Basic Members $35

Register by February 10 and save $5, use code PLOTROMANCEGRAF at checkout!
  1. Characters
  2. Structure
  3. Genre
  4. Plotting
$5 off Early Registration Coupon-expires 1 week before class starts
Plot a Romance Novel in 2 weeks. Set your book up for success with detailed character outlines that deepen story connection and worldbuilding. You're familiar with some plotting, but still unsure you're taking the right path... learn a structure that's simple to grasp and easy to use for any romance genre. Don't get stuck mid-way anymore with a basic outline, but still have the ability to add in new ideas. Plus, get feedback with every step.
Objectives: By the end of this course, you will:

Have confirmed and identified GMC, Negative Trait, Positive Trait and Wounds for the following:

Be able to channel creative crack and all the fantastic stuff that comes with it:
*Resolutions/Grand Gestures

Have plotted a 4-act romance novel with 3 turning points.

Be able to line out worldbuilding details based on your characters and basic plot points to help deepen your connection to the story (Note: some genres of romance may require less worldbuilding)

Have received feedback on your plot

Be confident in rocking out a fantastic story, with an outline that still provides creative freedom, but keeps you on target.

Have a story outline that is marketable and reflects similar structures used by romance writers with major publishers.

  • A vague idea of the story you want to write. Come with loose ideas for characters and the romance genre you plan to explore.
  • How long you want your book to be. We can see what works best based on how your plot comes together.
  • The format I will walk you through is good for full-length and novellas, as well as all genres.

- Access to the following Texts:
GMC by Debora Dixon
Romancing The Beat by Gwen Hayes: Romancing the Beat – Gwen Hayes
The Emotional Wounds Thesaurus: BOOKSTORE ~ WRITERS HELPING WRITERS®

While optional, these books have helped me craft some of my most meaningful stories. I have ebook and physical copies. For 10 bucks a pop that can get pricey but the investment is worth its weight in gold.
Landra Graf
Start date
Feb 17, 2020 at 9:00 AM
End date
Mar 1, 2020 at 1:00 AM
Registration end date
Feb 19, 2020 at 1:00 AM
4.83 star(s) 18 ratings

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Latest reviews

This class was excellent. I've had other plotting classes elsewhere and none were as concise, step-by step and all encompassing as this one. Now, I can see the error in my ways in draft manuscripts and works in progress. The power point lessons and worksheets were useful and a great reference tool I will continue to use. The instructor feedback was very helpful to strengthen my WIP. I highly recommend this course and instructor.
I like the format that Landra Graf presented the information and it was helpful and easy to follow. Great class!
This class has a quick pace since we're trying to plot a book in two weeks. Landra Graf was very responsive during the course and provided great feedback. I thought the lecture material was presented in a way that was easy to understand and follow. She also provided examples for us to refer to as we worked on our assignments. She set up deadlines for assignments to keep us from falling behind during the course which I found useful. I had some things come up and wasn't able to submit all my assignments on time. I appreciate Landra being understanding and providing feedback on the late assignments. This was a great class.
Landra's class was not only full of great information (we are talking beautiful workbooks) but Landra gave great feedback and was opened to questions. I am truly hoping she gives more classes so I can take them.

If you are a beginner or just need some extra help give yourself the gift of taking a class with Landra!
I am not a plotter, but a discovery writer. I took the class to better organize myself and streamline the writing process. This class did a great job of providing a framework that works well for plotting and pantsing. The feedback was fast, specific, and very helpful. Awesome class!