joselle vanderhooft

  1. Jo Vanderhooft

    Craft Get Those Butterflies Out of My Stomach! Pesticide for Clichés with JoSelle Vanderhooft

    Clichés are a problem with which every author contends at some point, which can muddle and drag down a perfectly good story. In this workshop, you’ll learn why they happen, why they–generally–do not serve your writing, and how you can replace them with stronger, more original, and more succinct...
  2. Jo Vanderhooft

    Craft The Well-tempered Sentence: Line Editing for Authors with JoSelle Vanderhooft

    Taming sentence structure can be one of the most difficult tasks for writers of all skill levels. In this class, veteran editor JoSelle Vanderhooft will go over the basics of sentence construction, how to build rhythm into paragraphs, the similarities between sentence flow and music, and the...