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  1. SPSipal

    Lecture Bonus Lesson: Throwing Snowballs at Quirrell

    Hi All, I'm sorry that this took me so long to post. I had a couple of things I had pushed off until after the time for the regular class to end that couldn't be put off any more, plus I'm a slow writer. Please keep in mind that this is basically a first draft. It will not be as polished as...
  2. SPSipal

    Lecture Bonus Lesson - Flying High Above the Quidditch Pitch

    Hi All, This lesson is on high concept. As explained inside, high concept is not something you must have, but it really helps if you do. Assignment: Think about whether your WIP has a high concept. And, if it does, see if you can simmer it down into one line, then share here. Also, I know...
  3. SPSipal

    Lecture Lesson 12: Making a Magical Impression in the Muggle World

    Hi All, I'm posting this one sooner than I'd planned for a couple of reasons. The lessons are shorter now, plus I'm hoping to include an extra lesson on humor. Also, I just discovered another bonus lesson on high concept that I'd forgotten about. So will post that one tomorrow and then the...
  4. SPSipal

    Lecture Lesson 11: Draco Loves Hermione...At Least in Fan Fiction

    Hi All, A week or two ago, I posted in an earlier lesson about a new video that was all the rage on Youtube -- a Harry Potter fan parody of Uptown Funk called Dark Lord Funk. That we are nearly 8 YEARS removed from the release of the last HP book, and 4 years from the last movie, says a lot...
  5. SPSipal

    Lecture Lesson 10: Have Fun!

    Hi All, This is a short lesson, but I think it's important to think about the primary tone we hope to convey in our reader. In fact, for your assignment, I want you to consider and identify this primary emotion/tone that you hope your story builds in your reader. Also, based on the...
  6. SPSipal

    Question Twitter

    Hi All, I want to make sure I can keep up with you all after the class is over. The only social media I've ever been really good about is Twitter. I would love to follow any of you on there, just respond with your Twitter addy, and I'll follow you. If you want to keep in touch with me, mine...
  7. SPSipal

    Lecture Lesson 9: Of Grindelwald and Hitler

    Hi All, Today's lesson is on working in real-world relevance into your story. In rereading this before posting, I feel like I've changed a bit on my perspective since writing it. I seem to be almost hesitant in how you can work in social commentary. I think I myself am a bit stronger now in...
  8. SPSipal

    Discussion Chat Schedule?

    Hi All, I'd like to schedule a couple of one hour chats between now and the end of class. It seems very hard to schedule a chat that everyone can make, but if we schedule a couple, hopefully everyone can make one. For me, the chat is a good time to maybe ask any questions that haven't been...
  9. SPSipal

    Lecture Lesson 8: The Ambiguity of Snape

    Hi All, I am so, so sorry to be this late posting this lesson today. To be honest, I thought I'd done it this morning. I had it ready and was about to post when something distracted me (got a really great review on SFW :-), and for some reason, just never realized I hadn't finished posting...
  10. SPSipal

    Lecture Lesson 7: Myth Connections

    Hi All, Lesson Seven is perhaps my favorite because I love all things myth related, and JKR does LOADS with it. This is a fairly long post because there is so much to cover. Likewise, in working with myths and archetypes in our stories, there is so much we can analyze. So I'm going to break...
  11. SPSipal

    Lecture Lesson 6: Put a Fidelius Charm on Your Godric's Hollow

    Hi All, Today's lesson is on backstory. It's not as long as the last couple have been. For your assignment, please review your first chapter, or first couple of chapters, and identify your backstory. Analyze whether it is the appropriate amount. Is there any that is too much for this early...
  12. SPSipal

    Lecture Lesson 5: Revealing Wormtail

    With today's lesson, we get to the heart of the mystery...mystery plotting that is! This is a fairly long lesson that's divided into two parts. First we look at the Wormtail thread from Prisoner of Azkaban to see how JKR wove in clues and revelations for this mystery. Then we analyze 12...
  13. SPSipal

    Lecture Lesson 4: Shrieking Shacks, Whomping Willows, and Moaning Myrtles

    Hi All, Lesson 4 on world building is attached. This, for me, is a really fun one as JKR excels at world building. For your assignment, please, think of the specific world you have built for your story, whether fantasy or realistic, and share: 1) an example(s) of your wide-angle lens 2) an...
  14. SPSipal

    Lecture Ask a YA Publisher Pro

    Hi All, I have a question for you all and don't know where to put it, so seems like I'm lumping things like that here. (Moved here) :sneaky: I'm on the staff at and am in charge of a feature we call "Ask a Pub Pro" where we collect specific craft questions from...
  15. SPSipal

    Lecture Lesson 3: Return to the Dursleys

    Hi All, Here is lesson 3 on story patterns. In some ways this lesson is more geared to those writing series, but it also applies to standalone stories as well. As you read it, be thinking about your story and whether you have incorporated any patterns into your story, whether you wish to, and...
  16. SPSipal

    Lecture Lesson 2: Quidditch, A Prisoner of Azkaban, and Thestrals to MoM

    Hi All, I'm attaching lesson 2 below, which is all about Voice and Reader Fulfillment. For the assignment, I want you to think about your voice -- both your voice as an author and the voice of your main character(s). And these are two distinct things. 1) How would you define your voice as an...
  17. SPSipal

    Lecture Lesson 1: Characters with More Emotional Range than a Teaspoon

    Hi All, I'm sorry this post is a bit later than I had planned. It took me some time to figure out what would work. I've tried putting the lesson into this textbox a couple of different ways, and either way my formatting doesn't seem to come through right -- especially things like highlights...
  18. SPSipal

    Lecture Introduction: Private Lessons with the Headmistress

    Introduction: Private Lessons with the Headmistress Harry Potter. The very name conjures up images of magic and books, movies and fans, and the extraordinary midnight release parties that looked more like mega rock concerts than a mere book release. JK Rowling. For fellow writers...
  19. SPSipal

    Lecture Class Schedule

    Hi All, I'm posting the planned schedule below, but I want you to keep in mind that this is fluid. I may change the order in which a lesson is presented according to your interests. Also, I hope that you'll have questions in such a way that we may add in some discussions that are not already...