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  1. ttkov57

    Survey of AI Capabilities (1)

    I am not that comfortable with AI being able to compose paragraphs of narrative. Plagiarism comes to mind if it is pooling words from several sources which I am unaware of. I opened an account with Notion, but was hesitant to use it and at first to add my phone number to the required data to...
  2. ttkov57

    Villain Creation

    Yes, you did. Thanks!
  3. ttkov57

    Washboard Middles

    This question is off topic. I bought the recording device that attaches to my phone. I have been using a few difference apps and wasn't sure if one is better than another. Do you pay for your app? Also, is the app one that is compatible with your Dragon software? Your class has hit the...
  4. ttkov57

    Dynamic Entry

    This lesson helped me understand how not to include flashback, yet still create questions in the readers mind. The red areas were all narrative and internal thoughts in italics, right? Theresa
  5. ttkov57

    Discussion Blueprint to Success notes

    Where is the plot grid attachment for your book Arcane Deception? Thanks, Theresa
  6. ttkov57

    Villain Creation

    Would a villain or his henchmen enter the story around the same time or different times in your books? I had thought of using two henchmen in my science fiction romance already. I am making the conscious choice to stick to that number. I noticed that you had a step-in character kind-up...
  7. ttkov57

    Hero Creation

    I didn't think about the reader anticipating a reaction from the other character. I am planning a series and better understand why each book must have a different set of circumstances in the past for each of the two main protagonists. Recently I have seen books with a different point of view...
  8. ttkov57

    Heroes Assemble

    I am listening to the videos first and then filling out the character creation sheets. Would that be recommended? I like the video presentations as a learning tool.
  9. ttkov57

    Heroes Assemble

    This character creation worksheet is different with the inclusion of the GMC chart and the Romantic Conflict Chart. I found it useful to have a GMC for each chapter to make sure I kept the GMC chart in mind.
  10. ttkov57

    Visualizing Characters & Settings

    I have used Pinterest for craft ideas and learning about color, but not for creating a Pinterest board for my book so that I visualize the hero and heroine's appearance, clothing and living accommodations. I am a visual learner so this technique works for me.
  11. ttkov57

    Naming Character

    I try to choose voiced consonant or hard consonant sounds (G, D, etc.) for the main protagonists, but not necessarily the villain. My concerns is forgetting which names I did choose. You had mentioned a Story Bible. Does yours have sections for setting, characters., plot, technology...
  12. ttkov57

    Youtube Research

    Thanks for the links. I have not used YouTube as a research source for my books. I will look at your suggestions. It makes sense to use it to see locations where you have never visited. Theresa
  13. ttkov57

    Discussion Brainstorming Demo

    I have to get up and walk around every hour so I don't sit for hours at the computer. A 10-hour plane ride is brutal on the back. Hopefully you can stretch in the aisle or walk up and down the aisle. I choose aisle seats when I fly. Theresa
  14. ttkov57

    Discussion Brainstorming Demo

    Thank you for that information. I placed the order on Amazon and should receive it tomorrow. Theresa
  15. ttkov57

    Discussion Brainstorming Demo

    I had no problems viewing any part of this video. Theresa
  16. ttkov57

    Discussion Brainstorming Demo

    Walking is cathartic for me because it clears my head of whatever is bothering me. Outside landscaping and weeding has the same effect on me. Sometimes I find I can return home and can write what came to mind. Other times I forget my ideas. Your method to record while you walk is definitely...