Recent content by KLGrady

  1. KLGrady

    Character Going Deep: How to Give Good POV with Kerri-Leigh Grady

    Point of View is a tricky and very complex topic that depends on many elements of your story, but today’s market responds best to stories with deep or close POV. But what is that, and how do you know when you’ve gone deep? In this six-week course, you’ll learn the multitude of elements that...
  2. KLGrady

    Pacing-Tension Pace your Prose: Creating the RIGHT amount of setting and description with KL Grady

    Setting and description are vital elements of any story. Without them, characters are nothing more than talking heads, drifting through a sad, sad world. Nobody wants to read about a sad, sad world. Well, some do, but let us never speak of them again. Alas, incorporating the details of the...